Thursday, May 16, 2013

Medeval Banquet

So after much debate about what we were going to do last night, we finally decided to go to this Medeval Banquet. We called and made reservations and it was set. We decided to leave about an hour early because we figured it would take some time to find the place....and it did. Not only did we take the most ridiculously long tube ride (because the only thing we were thinking about when deciding on what route to take, was how many times we had to change trains). The ride itself took an hour....which was not necessary. Then when we got out of the tube, we went the wrong way and walked much further than we needed to go. To be fair though, there is no directions on the brochure, it just says that its within walking distance...ptsh It was pretty much a Labyrinth getting there (only not as cool because David Bowie isn't singing the whole time).

Anyways after much searching and stopping and asking for directions (because no men were with us). We finally found it! So we walked into this dark place that was located underground. And it was most definitely different...we didn't sit at tables by ourselves...we sat with other people. Obviously, the first thing I did when I got there was go and get some alcohol. I was frustrated, and uh, I'm in London!

Yeah, thats me....and my pear cider. I love it, and I figure, why try to drink other beers when this is just so freaking good! 

Anyways, we had a woman who was our Wench. And when you needed something, you were supposed to bang on the table as hard as you could, yell "WENCH" and tell her what she should fetch you.

The first thing that she brought us was this soup that you could only drink from the spoons...It was some sort of vegetable soup that had been pureed. It was pretty tasty. When I first saw it though I was scared because I thought it was tomato soup...and I hate tomato soup. 

(I'll continue writing about this, but I'm being kicked out of this place for now)

We were sitting with some pretty interesting people. 4 people were from Australia and 4 from Canada, but they weren’t together, it just happened to be a happy coincidence.

The next thing on the menu was this really weird ass plate of meat and cheese. Most of it was okay, but there was this weird meat that looked kind of like bologna but it had the consistency of cat food. I don’t know it had an okay flavor but the texture was so weird.

In between the meals that they served us there was some pretty interesting entertainment. A couple of the girls were contortionists and all I could think was…”man I wish I was that flexible”

The next thing they brought us was this big pot full of chicken. Morgan and I decided to eat like barbarians, ya know, to keep up with the whole Medieval thing. But the funny thing was, one of the young Australians that was sitting there said “its not often that you get a big tub of chicken brought to you” to which Morgan and I both said at the same time “Unless you go to KFC” he seemed kind of somber and replied with “oh”. After that Morgan and I looked at each other and said “ Merica, Fuck Yeah!” Which has kind of been our theme throughout the trip so far.

Not only was there some pretty awesome contortionists but there was also beautiful singing going on between most of the staff. But the two people that had the most amazing voices were the King and Queen.

After the singing was finished our Wench brought us some pretty delicious apple pie while we watched an “epic” sword fight. It didn’t last very long but it was still amusing.

The night was drawing to a close and Morgan and I were pretty satisfied. But then were very surprised when they started playing club music. After we went to the bathroom we came out and there was a circle of older women trying to dance. I must say it was pretty damned amusing because none of them could dance. Morgan almost convinced me to get in the middle and show them some awesome moves but we left instead.

Needless to say, since we knew where we were going, we didn’t get lost but I did take an awesome picture of the dock that the banquet was by (Saint Katherine’s Harbor) at night. It was so beautiful and I wish my camera did it justice, but I guess that’s what happens when you get a camera for free at prom. On the way home we did not take an hour because we actually paid attention to the rout we should take. Overall I would say it was a pretty successful day. 

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