Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Windsor Castle/Day 1

We got to Windsor Castle and I was really excited! I took out some money in Pounds (which by the way is really hard to count out when you are used to USD). So right away I went and got a phone that I could use while I was here. The guy had no idea what he was doing and I was a little disappointed when I realized that I missed the boat for going to tour the Castle. But it wasn’t too bad, I was able to see the marching band that walked through the town! I was also able to go to one of the pubs and have an afternoon cocktail that consisted of Jack Daniels, coke, and rum….yeah it was delicious. We were in the town for a few hours and then were able to go to the hotel. Finally!

These are pictures from that awesome marching band that I mentioned! 

This is Windsor castle! I wish I could have gotten the chance to go inside! I suppose if I really wanted to I could make my way back there, but I doubt I'll do that. 

After we left and were able to go back to the hotel it was our job to try to stay awake at least until 6pm. Which let me tell you was very hard! After being up for almost 48 hours you kinda start to drag! But, in order to keep us awake Dr. Nobiling and the other teachers took us on a small tour of the area, and then we went to this small pub called The Friend At Hand.

Theres me on the bottom left with my goofy crooked smile trying not to just scarf down my Big Ben burger that consisted of a hamburger, an egg, bacon, and toasted buns! Man it was delicious! 

After staying up until 7ish it was time for all of us to pass out! I don't think that I have gone to bed that early, in years! Except maybe when I'm sick...but I feel like that doesn't count! It was a very eventful day, followed by a very eventful rest! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. NIce place... Can we use minicab in london
    minicab in London to reach this place?
