Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Crazy British Drivers and The Ridiculous Plug-ins!

So when you are in a city in America, its typical that you have to watch out for the driving. But I must say, it is much worse here in London! They not only won’t stop for people walking across the street, but they pretty much just drive all over the place! Its freaking ridiculous! I can’t even imagine having to drive here! I’m so worried about getting run over that I just keep looking left.

I mean look at these crazy bitches! Also, all their cars are really boxy...just a weird observation. Just like the fact that all the mens dress shoes are awfully pointy...anyways...

Not only are the drivers crazy, but let me tell you…if you ever come to London make sure you get an adapter and a converter before you come because you can’t find a converter anywhere you look and its freaking annoying. I have spent quite a few hours trying to track down a place where I can buy one and no such luck. Thank GOD I decided to ask the guy at the front desk about it because he informed me that I can plug in my computer to any adapter and it would work…without the converter. Which is why I am now able to post on my blog. 


  1. How much did that converter set you back?

  2. I didn't end up getting one. I had to get a usb plug in, for my phone/ipod/camera, and the computer apparently doesn't need a converter...so yea.
