Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Last Day....

So my time in Hawaii was very strange. It felt like while I was there time slowed way down, but at the end of the any vacation, it felt as if it went by way too fast! On the last day we got to go on a Submarine tour called Atlantis Submarine. And it really was an experience!

So to get to the submarine we had to take a ride on a boat to where the sub was located. And during our small journey to the sub our tour guide told us all the safety information that we needed to know. The cool thing about him was that he actually graduated from UNL and went to high school and grew up in a small town near Sidney which is where I am from! It was fun talking to him about life in Hawaii when he wasn't being...ya know....the tour guide. 

On our way out there, I decided to take some pictures of the Island and the beautiful blue ocean! 

So in order to get the sub different places on the island it needs to be pulled by this cute little tug-boat named Roxie. Look at how adorable it is! I feel like it should have a face! :D <---like this one! hehe

From the boat we were on...

We got to watch the sub...

Pop right up out of the water...It was really awesome! 

We got down onto the sub and started descending towards the bottom of the ocean and got all the way down to 129 ft below! 

A picture of some sea life from inside the sub...

The five pictures above are of a ship that they sunk in the 19th century. It was a whaling ship called "The Brig Carthaginian" and is now a developing reef sitting at 100 feet below the water! It was so cool to see all the coral and fish on the ship! I wish it could have been a ship that had just sank rather than one that they decided to sink so it could become a would have been nice if it had a little bit more history, but it was fun learning about the feet it took to sink that sucker! 

This was a good sized school of fish that we saw while under the ocean! It was very interesting to see all the fish swimming together and darting in different ways!

I loved looking at all the random stuff on the ocean floor! Especially this anchor! It looked so rusty and had life growing on it! Its amazing to know that everything in the ocean is living...even if it is just an old ass anchor!

The last thing we did before making our way to the airport to begin our journey back home was eat at this fantastic little place called Ma La. We sat right outside on the ocean and were told that at certain times of the day, turtles liked make their way up to the beach and hang out! I was sad that I didn't get to see any turtles, but it was still a really good time, and really good food! 

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